SAFe Scrum Master

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SAFe Scrum Master

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17. Who commits to the iteration goals at the end of iteration planning?

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Q28. At the end of the first Iteration, the team finishes User Stories A, B, and 50% of C. The Story sizes are set at these points: Story A = 8 points Story B = 1 point Story C = 5 points Story D = 3 points.

What is the team's velocity?

3 / 45

What are the three parts of Inspect and Adapt event?

4 / 45

P4. What is the timebox duration of the Inspect & Adapt

5 / 45

18. What does an effective Scrum Master/Team Coach help the team with?

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5. The Team Sync should last:

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Which of the following statement describes a servant leader?

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What is one issue that can occur without DevOps?

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What is one way servant leaders can encourage team member personal growth?

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What is one way a Scrum Master/Team Coach can build a high-performing team?

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Team B is discussing new functionality when it becomes clear that two developers have different ideas on how to implement the solution. Which of the following characteristics of a high-performing team can help Team B continue a productive discussion and arrive at a shared plan?

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What is one Scrum Master/Team Coach technique for guiding team members toward finding solutions together?

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Q30. What provides objective evidence that the system is iterating?

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What is one SAFe Core Competency?

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What is one way Agile Team can use Iteration retrospective to build relentless improvement?

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Q9. What is one Agile development value?

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23. When working with an Agile Team, what is expected from Product Management?

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10. What is the size of an Agile Release Train?

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Q23. Who participates in the backlog refinement event?

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1.  Why do teams have an iteration retrospective?

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Q24. At the end of a two-day planning meeting, a team does not have a committed plan. Do they:

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P6. What is the value of the Coach Sync

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Q29. The 5-Whys is used to avoid:

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11. SAFe is a set of principles and practices to achieve business agility by adopting:

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What is one benefit of moving from waterfall methods to Agile delivery?

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24. What is a characteristic of an effective Scrum Master?

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Q18. According to SAFe, what is one output of a successful Iteration Retrospective?

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6. The Iteration Review focus on:

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27. What is present in an Iteration Backlog?

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What is one way the Scrum Master/Team Coach can support the Inspect and Adapt?

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According to SAFe, what is the method Scrum Master/Team Coaches should use to visualize team delivery?

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Q22. Which demo is performed in the IP Iteration?

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Q19. Becoming a coach requires a shift from old behaviors to new ones. What are the best examples of new coaching behaviors?

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Q25. Which part of a feature describes the proposed measurable value to the end-user or business?

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Q3. What is one way a Scrum Master/Team Coach can support productive team Backlog Refinement sessions?

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P2. What is the timebox duration of the Coach Sync

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Q5. What is one recommended practice for Scrum Masters/Team Coaches when facilitating Iteration Review?

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What is one anti-pattern that indicates a team is overcommitting to work?

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What is one organizing attribute that teams share with the other teams on their ART?

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What is one Scrum value that can help Agile Teams create transparency?

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8. One of the most prominent responsibilities for a Scrum Master/Team Coach is:

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Q11. What is one responsibility of a Scrum Master/Team Coach?

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9. The last event of the day 1 of the PI Planning is:

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Which of the following SAFe events support Agile Teams to measure the outcome of the Iteration?

45 / 45

P8. What is the value of the Inspect & Adapt

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